Have you ever wondered why you should go to church?
Have you ever wondered what Christ’s church is supposed to be like?
Read: Ephesians 1:22-23
These verses highlight the exalted position of Jesus Christ, His comprehensive authority, and His vital connection to the church, which serves as His body and reflects His fullness.
Personal Application:
Read: Acts 4:32-35
These verses portray a vivid picture of the early Christian community characterized by unity, generosity, and the powerful testimony of God's grace at work among them. It serves as a model of sacrificial love and communal support within the body of Christ.
Joe was tired of the complaints. Every time his crew of little baseball players ran off the field, he was bombarded with grumbling. “Mark keeps dropping the ball!” “Why can’t I play pitcher?” “I’m tired of being in the outfield!” “I won’t catch if Timmy pitches!” Joe was not surprised that his team had yet to win a game.
The church is a team. The success of the church depends on the commitment of the players. The church can only win when its members cheer each other on. Our Captain knows that if his team is not unified, we will fail. Every time we take the field of life, we can choose to cheer or complain, encourage or criticize, laugh or groan. If we listen carefully to our Coach, we can beat Satan’s team in a shutout!
The church team is not complete without you. God designed it that way. You are the number one draft pick for God’s roster. He wants you to be bold and step up to the plate. On God’s team, you have the ability to hit a home run.
It is good and pleasant when God’s people live together in peace! - Psalm 133:1
Additional Reading: Matthew 16:16-19