Have you ever wondered why Jesus came to earth?
Have you ever wondered if there are any other ways to get to heaven?
Read: John 10:10
This verse highlights Jesus’ mission to bring life, joy, and completeness to those who accept Him as their Lord and Savior.
Read: John 14:6
This verse is central to the Christian belief, emphasizing the importance of Jesus being the sole way to God the Father.
Read: Acts 4:12
This is a pivotal verse that underscores the claim that Jesus Christ is essential for the salvation of all of humanity.
Read: 1 Timothy 1:15
This verse encapsulates the essence of the Gospel message; Jesus came to save the sinner and reminds us of the transformational power of God’s grace and mercy.
Many people search for faith like they shop for clothes. They browse the racks of religion, pick an item, and try it. If it doesn’t fit, they throw it back on the rack. If it’s comfortable and makes them look good, they buy it. Besides, it can always be returned later.
Some people claim that Christianity is too narrow. Jesus clearly said that there’s only one way to heaven and one narrow path that leads to God - and He is the way. He’s not the least bit tolerant or accepting of other methods, sincere as they might be.
Why is that so hard to accept? In every other area of life, we accept absolutes. When we bake, we put in the exact ingredients. When we drive somewhere, we follow the directions. When we seek God, he requires only one thing - Christ - and that’s the only way to God.
Do you know that we are not saved by a system of religion, salvation is beautifully and incredibly simple. Jesus is the one Savior, and He is free for the taking.
The women said, “I know that the Messiah is coming.” (Messiah is the One called Christ.) “When the Messiah comes, he will explain everything to us. ”Then Jesus said, “I am he - I, the one talking to you” - John 4:25-26
Personal Application:
Additional Reading: Hebrews 5:7-9