Have you ever wondered why worship is so important?
Have you ever wondered how to praise the Creator of the universe?
Read: Psalm 150
This Psalm emphasizes the universal importance of praising God with all available means and extends that calling to all living beings.
Read: Luke 19:36-40
In this passage, the disciples recognize Jesus as a king, proclaiming that His identity is unstoppable and would be acknowledged by creation itself through public praise or worship.
We shouldn't hesitate to give God a standing ovation. We should always be on our feet, lifting our hearts and our voices to Him in praise. Psalm 150 tells us that He deserves all the credit. Creation cannot help praising the Creator. Jesus said that if people did not praise God, then the stones would cry out a hearty “Bravo!” to their God.
We can spend hours in worship of our Lord, but if our praise come from an insincere heart, our efforts are wasted. God listens attentively, His head resting in His hands, peering into our hearts. He isn't impressed if our lips move without our hearts moving as well. Worship isn't a duty. It’s a privilege, an act of obedience, an urge to satisfy a heart that longs to praise God.
God is the focus, the reason, and the joy of our worship. No matter what problems you’re facing, don't let them distract you from your focus. Because of His work on the cross - for that reason - He deserves an unending stream of praise from our lips forever.
The time is coming when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, and that time is here already. You see, the Father too is actively seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. - John 4:23-24
Personal Application:
Additional Reading: Psalm 34:1-7; 40:3; 104:33-34